D’Basket Mobility Week in Pula
The long expected D’Basket Mobility week has finally taken place simultaneosly in the three partner schools.
Elementary school Veli Vrh Pula as well as its 14 lucky students have been the hosts to 25 foreign students from the partner schools: Istituto Comprensivo Romolo Onor from San Dona’ di Piave, Italy and Elementary school Antona Ukmarja Koper, Slovenia. In the same way 28 of our students have joined the activities organized in Koper and San Dona’.
The mobility week was planned in order to develop language, intercultural, multimedial and entrepreneurship skills through a variety of different activities. Some of the mobility students have also learnt some filming and video editing techniques, some basic coding as well as the production of robo-light graffities .
The program had a full schedule with morning activities led by the teachers of our school: Dina Biserović, Radojka Marinković, Josip Raić, Aleksandra Žufić i Marietta Kaić Kosanović.
The workshops were repeated thee times each in order to get all the three groups the possibility to join them. The topics varied from multimedia to entrepreneurship and to interculturality with activities from the D’Basket toolkit as “Pasta towers”, “The unbreakable flying egg”, “Outsiders”, “Shipwreck”, “Derdians”, “The cake slices”. In multicultural groups, they we engaged in building towers made of spaghetties, parachutes to prevent the eggs from breaking when falling. They became citizens of a faraway land with a completely different cultural background and used slices of a cardboard cake to understand the distribution of wealth in the world. They have also experienced a shipwreck where they had the possibility to save just some of the victims, as the Pope, a regular priest, a singer or a football player, a poor old man, but also the President of the United States.
The robotics wokshop aimed to get light letters through pictures of robots programmed to follow a path while making light effects in a dark room. This way they managed to use the light letters to write their thoughts about the mobility. The favourites were:TULAJ@D’BASKET, SUPERAMAZINGCOOL@D’BASKET, INSIEME@D’BASKET. There is a whole power point presentation we invite you to watch.
Two students of each schools had the opportunity to join the media workshop and be one of the six reporters of the week. They filmed, made interviews and took pictures during the week. Then, all the material was edited and the final product was a video production we had the opportunity to see at the farewell party. The video can be also watched by clicking on the link.
The mobility students and their teachers had also the opportunity to visit the Association Sonitus, which is in charge of the Visualia festival, a festival of lights that takes place in Pula in September. After a presentation of the festivals, the students wrote light graffities which they enjoyed very much.
A visit was also organized to the Robotics centre in a vocational high school where they could try the competition arenas, 3D printers, lasers, the sumo robo fights and the dancing robots.
What would a mobility week be without excursions? A town with 3000 years of history has a lot to offer, so we had to choose just some of the main attractions as a guided tour of Pula, the Aquarium with its sea turtles rescue centre and the National Park Briuni.
There was also same PE at school and attendance to regular classes, such as Maths, Chemistry, English and Italian language, which was very interesting.
The mobility has enriched all with a new multicultural experience of learning and the farewell party was organized in the school canteen on 5 October were the organizers thanked all the participants while the light messages power point presentation was being viewed in the background. After viewing the video production of the multimedial group of students they all got their first youthpass diplomas and a small gift. A lot of nice words were heard not only from the teachers but also from the students, which formed a very emotional athmosphere. In the end the guests left and we were left with a sense of satisfaction but also a little bit of sadness because from Monday on we had to go back to reality.