
Who are the partners

D’Basket is a Strategic Partnerships for school education project led by the Istituto Comprensivo Romolo Onor in San Donà and it is made up of 10 partners:


The comprehensive institute Romolo Onor was established in 2000 following specific agreements with the City of San Donà and the provincial school body (Provveditorato agli Studi di Venezia). The Institute comprises of middle school “Romolo Onor”, the primary schools “E.FERMI”, “FORTE 48” e “M.POLO” and the pre-school I. Nievo.
Currently the Institute serves over 1200 students of all grades (preschool to 8th grade), with 57 classes with an increment of about 10% in the last five years, 89 teachers and 24 administrative and support staff (ATA).
The students, have increased in the last years due to urbanization and inflows of children from other countries, both EU and non-EU nationals.
The Institute, as a public state school delivers education to all children according to the annual and – recently with the School reform – three-year plan of formative offer (Piano annuale e triennale dell’Offerta Formativa).
In addition to curricular activities, in compliance with the general standards and programmes laid out by the Italian regulations, the school is committed to become a primary player in a changing society and to provide key competences (including civic, digital and critical thinking skills) to all pupils according to their development stage and with a special attention to diversity and inclusion


San Dona di Piave is a city in the metropolitan area of Venice with a population of about 40.000 inhabitants. A major trend is the aging of the population. The population has also become more ethnically diverse. In 2005 only 2.6% of residents did not speak Italian as their home language. By 2015 that has increased to 9.9% with over 4,000 immigrants from more than 80 countries now resident in the city (about the 10% of the population).
The Municipality supports local education system in the definition of its strategies and programmes. The city of San Donà di Piave has supported several projects carried out by the local education system in the following areas: creative and artistic expression; languages; transversal skills development. Just to mention some positive experiences: music and dance labs, theatre labs, “Gioco-Emozione” (a mix of activities, workshops, labs, etc. on emotions and emotional intelligence), classes of modern languages as well as Latin; “Orto in condotta” (creation of school vegetable gardens in partnership with the Slow Food association to foster the development of green skills as well as the creation of intergenerational cooperation).


The Association 2050 was established in 2011 to foster social innovation and public awareness on the changes that increasing diversity and cultural heterogeneity are bringing to European societies. Quoting from its statute, 2050 aims to contribute to refreshing individual and collective capacities to understand and positively influence the changes and challenges that are transforming our living together.
The main strength of 2050 is its composite galaxy of member experts, coming from different and complementary social and economic fields and active in research, social and economic issues, capacity-building and training, territorial marketing and territorial cooperation.
2050 is a small association, but it can rely, through the extensive experience of its members on positive relations with local, regional and National stakeholders, institutions, authorities, in particular local authorities and educational institutions and civil society.

In 2012, the UN Alliance of Civilisations and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded the first audio-visual production of 2050: the short film IT-Aliens. Magic mirroring immigration in Italy. The film engages in counter polarizing stereotypes, and in soliciting its public to look at immigrants, immigration and social changes from fresh viewpoints. The association operates through the work – also on voluntary base- of its members through cooperation agreements with other organizations – public and private – to pursue its mission.
The association has developed an extracurricular activity of media literacy for students and teachers with a lower secondary school in Veneto for the school year 2014-2015, which will contribute to the development of the D’BASKET project’s methodology.


Tandem Plus represents a network of non-profit organizations both public and private that has been funded in 2008. The organization belonging to the network come from 9 EU countries (FR, IT, DE, ES, PT, DK, HR, SK, RO) and one also from an extra-EU (MA – Morocco).
The mission of Tandem Plus is to promote activities aiming at social, political and economic inclusion of disadvantaged and young people. Tandem Plus is also pursuing principles of social cohesion and access to employment for all.
Tandem Plus is based on the experiences of different countries preoccupied and affected by social exclusion and poverty. It brings together multidisciplinary partners to collectively address this problem by using human, technical and financial means.
The organizations belonging to the network share and develop socio-economic dynamics at a multi-territorial scale, by involving, through an organized approach, actors from the economic, political, social, socio-cultural, training and research environment. They establish a multidimensional partnership around the integration of target audiences.
The exchange of practices and experimentation allow to strengthen professional practices by appropriating the different integration policies from different countries and to build new means of action.


The town of Pula is situated in the south of the Istria peninsula. This is the largest town in the Region of Istria with 57,460 inhabitants.The City of Pula is a local self-government unit and performs activities of local relevance, by which needs of the citizens are directly realized, activities that by Constitution or law are not delegated to state bodies.
The City of Pula is a founder of 11 elementary schools, one of which conducts classes on Italian language. There is also one school for children with special needs which integrate students with disabilities through rehabilitation procedures and advisory work.
Sports programme co-finances the Sports Union of the City of Pula, which has the role to develop and promote sports in the City of Pula through the work of 70 sport clubs and lead traditional and international manifestations (21) that mark up public holidays and the promotion of the City and sports. The activity of the Pula Sport d.o.o. company is also financed. That company which takes care of construction, managing and maintaining sport facilities they own and provides services for using its facilities to sport associations and other users.


The Foundation for partnership and civil society development (hereinafter: Foundation) is a nonprofit organization which encourages intersectoral and international cooperation and networking and develops the awareness of philanthropic and democratic values, all with the scope of local community development. The Istrian county recognized the role and potential of the civil sector and established the Foundation on 4. October 2006 as the first of its kind in Croatia.
The Foundation promotes the active participation of all members of society, improves social connections and works on the achievement of a fairer social environment for all citizens. It also influences the development of intersectoral partnership by connecting the public, civil and business sectors with the scope of working for the common good.
Since its beginnings to this day, the role of the Foundation has mainly manifested through the numerous projects of civil society development funded by it. Thus, through more than 45 issued tenders in the period from May 2007. to March 2016. with more than 6.000.000,00 km worth of subsidies, over 320 civil society organizations have been capacitated for the exigencies of the conduction of activities of interest to the wider local community. Such a transparent and objective mode of allocating funds to civil society organizations has enabled a fairer distribution of funds to the best local community development projects.
Through the numerous activities appertaining to 15 European projects (worth over 2.000.000,00 Eur) we have conveyed European values (civic activism, multiculturality, equality, philanthropy, democracy,…) to the local level and are thus welcome on various presentations of good practice.


The Veli Vrh school is a legal entity and was register by the Commercial Court Rijeka under the registration number (MBS) 040062018 and it is also registered in a common electronic register of elementary and secondary education of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports.
The school is a public institution. The founder of the School is the city of Pula. The school has a branch school in Štinjan. The school was founded in 1982 with citizens own contributions. The school was in many ways the first:
– In 1985 it opened one of the first open air libraries in Croatia
– Since the school-year 2007/2008 it has been organizing the school Open day, first in Pola
– In the school year 2000/2001it launched first among the schools in Pula the project “Quality parenting”

In 2008 the whole school burned, but was rebuild and opened in 2010. Currently it has around 600 students and professors.


As a local public body we also have other organizations and entities dealing with youth in general, such as Public Institute for Sports and Youth MOK; in addition, the municipality has a Youth council and is the founder of elementary and primary schools within the municipality.
Due to the official bilingual policy in the area of Slovene Istria, the Italian language and all other cultural values of the Italian national minority are preserved. Koper does not only represent a trade and industrial pole of Slovenian Istria, but in many ways also a cultural centre. The town has many schools, ranging from elementary and secondary schools to higher education institutions and faculties such as the University of Primorska, established in 2003.
There are currently eleven schools operating within the Municipality of Koper; some of them also have smaller branches. Municipality of Koper is the founder of these schools and as such we are involved in the education of children. We strive to provide our schools with good facilities and to help them grow also with regards to educational, pedagogical and methodological approaches, which is the support we will also give throughout the project. As the Municipality of Koper is the founder of primary and elementary schools within the municipality, we are very well informed of their situation and needs, also through general meetings of all school principals in the municipality that are held periodically. We are also the founder of the school participating in the project.
The Department of Social Affairs of MOK acts as a governance and professional body responsible for education, culture, sport, research, health and social care. It oversees the activities of cultural public institutes and prepares acts regulating their status and organization. Through it we also support youth, pupils, students, non-formal education, NGOs and several other organizations and programs.


Anton Ukmar Koper primary school is a public educational establishment (institution) that was founded by Koper municipality in 1982. It includes obligated education, intentional and systematic intervention of knowledge and general civil and cultural values. There are ninety-six employees in the institution. Six hundred and forty-five pupils attend school. They are arranged in twenty-six classes and eleven groups of extended stay. The school implements primary school programme (curriculum) with Slovenian teaching language in the linguistically mixed area of Slovenian Istria. Children from the suburb areas of Markovec and Žusterna attend school. A few pupils are registered in school from the other school districts. The school offers the parents compulsory programme, extended programme and superior (higher standard) programmes: sports programme, day care (7.00-8.20), organised weeks of nature studies (nature lessons) that the parents choose and finance by themselves according to the school offers. The school also provides the organization of cultural, sports and other public events.
The school surroundings measures approximately two hectares of extra areas where the outside sports building, lawns, walking trails, orchards, outdoor classroom – pool, olive grove and meteorological observatory are.


PiNA – Association for Culture and Education is a non-profit no governmental organization based in Koper, Slovenia, with the vision to improve the development of civil society, democratic dialogue and guarantee public/open access to modern tools of information and communication technology.
Founded in 1997 following the initiative of the Open Society Institute of Slovenia, PiNA’s mission is to offer quality educational, cultural, research and awareness raising activities. Expecting to give something back to society and to have a positive, enduring influence on targeted population, all PiNA’s projects share a common idea – the social impact and focus on four main areas: ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP, INTERNATIONAL (CO)OPERATION, HUMAN RIGHTS, CREATIVITY AND/FOR SOCIAL REFLECTION
Since the beginnings, many projects have been developed and successes achieved. In January 2013, it has been appointed as Europe Direct Information Centre; always in the same year, the Slovenian Ministry for Education awarded PiNA the European Charlemagne Youth Prize 2012 for its project Youth Vote, entitled as Best Innovative project for youth 2013. PiNA also holds the status of “organization working in public interest”, conferred by the Ministry of Education Republic of Slovenia, in 2013. Ultimately, PiNA became one of the 12 regional HUBs for NGOs in Slovenia. PiNA’s strength and efficiency come from the dedication, skills and multidisciplinary features of its team.
As producer of graphics, web documentary, audio- video, filming and other material, PiNA is able in converting creative productions into social messages, seeking to foster understanding and integration, to stimulate participation and to promote intercultural dialogue. Through the combination of non-formal education with the use of creativity within multimedia, the association fulfilled many successful projects, involving people with different backgrounds and provenance, spreading public messages for the creation of a receptive and careful society.
The use of these methodologies is effective and inspiring both for trainers and learners: in fact, by learning through creativity and culture, the results achieved are more enduring, tangible and powerful.